

What does 'to the nth power' mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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This means that your power is a variable. Just like your regular term can be a variable the power can also be a variable.





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Q: What does 'to the nth power' mean?
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Nothing: there is no such word. However, an exponent is another trm for power. an is a short way of writing a*a*...*a where the multiplication is carried out n times. In this case, n is the exponent or power and an is "a to the nth power", or less commonly "a to the nth exponent" or in the shortened form "a to the nth". Some exponenets have special names: 2 is squared, 3 is cubed. Exponents need not be integers or positive, but their meaning and use is less obvious.

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To the utmost, as in They'd decked out the house to the nth degree. This expression comes from mathematics, where to the nth means "to any required power" (n standing for any number). It was first recorded in 1852.