

Best Answer

It does nothing. It is a time that occurs twice daily at every point on the planet.

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Q: What does 15 minutes past 2 o'clock?
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What is 0202hrs?

2 minutes past 2 in the morning.2 minutes past 2 in the morning.2 minutes past 2 in the morning.2 minutes past 2 in the morning.

How many minutes between 1.15 pm and 20 past 2 in the afternoon?

There are 65 minutes between 1:15 pm and 20 minutes past 2.

What is 2 minutes and 38 seconds subtracted by 4 minutes and 15 seconds?

1 minute and 37 seconds into the past

How many minutes until quarter past 2?

It depends on when you start measuring. If it's 12:00, there are 135 minutes until 2:15 (two hours = 120 minutes, plus 15 more) If it's 2:14, there's only one minute remaining. And so on ...

How many minutes to the hour is it if it is quarter of the hour?

15 minutes. Each hour can be broken down into 4 quarters. 15 minutes after the hour is "a quarter past," and 15 minutes before the hour is "a quarter to." A On an digital clock, this would read (for example) 1:45 and it would be " a quarter to 2"

What time is a quarter pass 2 o'clock?

A quarter past 2 o'clock would be 2:15. So, the time is 2:15.

How long is 2hours and 15 minutes in minutes?

135 minutes=2 hours and 15 minutes.

What is quarter past 2?


How many minutes and hours is 135 minutes?

60 minutes = 1 hour so 135 minutes = 2 hours and 15 minutes.60 minutes = 1 hour so 135 minutes = 2 hours and 15 minutes.60 minutes = 1 hour so 135 minutes = 2 hours and 15 minutes.60 minutes = 1 hour so 135 minutes = 2 hours and 15 minutes.

What is 30 minutes after 219 am?

It is 2:49 am (or 49 minutes past 2 am).

What is 5 hours 5 minutes subtracted from 7 hours 20 minutes?

5 hours subtracted from 7 hours is 2 hours. 5 minutes subtracted from 20 minutes is 15 minutes.Therefore, the answer is 2 hours 15 minutes