what does the number 500 million look like
As a numerical figure: 2,500,000The best way to work this out is to know that 1 million has 6 zeroes after it (1,000,000) And then a half (0.5 million) is simply 1,000,000 divided by 2 = 500,000
A can of Tuna
A million has 6 zero's like this, 1,000,000A thousand has 3 zero's like this, 1,000So 6 million and 25 thousand would look like this, 6,025,000
it looks like this............ 1,200,000
what does the number 500 million look like
What does 12 million dollars look like written
As a numerical figure: 2,500,000The best way to work this out is to know that 1 million has 6 zeroes after it (1,000,000) And then a half (0.5 million) is simply 1,000,000 divided by 2 = 500,000
109,600,000 million
Four million thirty looks like this: 4,000,030
6 zeros follow one million (1,000000) and as a billion is now recognized globally as one hundred thousand million - a UK billion used to be a million million! - u would write it as 1,000,000,000.x
As a number it is: 36,000,000 = 36 million