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well ive answered one of these before well to think of it the answer is ...wait if you r reading this do not post another one nevermind if you want then do it. got it thanks:) ok so the answer is 9876549877. oh and AGAIN use a caculator its faster and better at the same time. sooooo learn the word caculator and learn how to use it . :) x( p.s this is how u post a math question or whatever question above you see a white giant blank line you write a question like this (does 456 + 654 equal.) so then you press enter or return and scroll down and you see a white blank line again that has your question on it underneath it you see a submit button click it then it says anwer question just click on it twice then you see a even more bigger wirting thingy click it and type got it get it goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood:)

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