Use the largest available digit possible starting with the hundred thousands digit, making the ones digit the largest even digit {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} that has not been used.
The required number is: 987654
It is 3823.
A double digit number, triple digit number........
998,949 If the tens place was any other number, it would either be smaller then 4 x 2 = 8, or it would equal more then 10 in the thousands place.
The number is 84.
Because the next greater even number is 100. That, and any subsequent even number, consists of three or more digits.
Every square of a 4 digit number has more than four digits.
It is 3823.
It is 99 which is a composite number because it has more than two factors
I would think the greatest 7 digit number would be 9,999,999. Therefore if you add 1 more, you would get 10,000,000. Makes sense to me anyway, lol.
In order to get the greatest number we want to try and get the biggest possible numbers in the hundred thousands, ten thousands and thousand places. There is no rule against the hundred thousands digit being 9 so it must be 9. The ten thousand digit needs to be twice the tens so it must be 8 while the tens is 4. The thousands digit is divided by the units, and the number is even. So thousands must be 6 and the units must be 2. Thus the hundreds must be 7. The number is 986,742
A double digit number, triple digit number........
998,949 If the tens place was any other number, it would either be smaller then 4 x 2 = 8, or it would equal more then 10 in the thousands place.
Since we want our number to be as large as possible, we have to put the largest digits in the front, in the largest places so they have more value. Therefore, our answer would be 987,654,321.
If each digit may be used more than once, the answer is 112. If no digit may be used more than once, the answer is 124.