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In math, variables (letters) such as "b" can equal anything. Depending on the context, it can mean "an amount you have to figure out based on the information provided", or "a placeholder for any amount you choose".

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Q: What does B equal in mats?
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No.Neither are commutative: a - b does not equal b - a, and a/b does not equal b/a.Neither is associative: (a - b) - c does not equal a - (b - c), and (a/b)/c does not equal a/(b/c).Examples of these are:4 - 2 does not equal 2 - 4.1/3 does not equal 3/1.(6 - 5) - 1 does not equal 6 - (5 - 1).(10/2)/2 does not equal 10/(2/2).

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It's equal to positive b squared, or (b x b) .

If a is equal to b then not a is equal to not b?

yes. you are right. both parts of the question has to be equal.

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Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.

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if a is less than and not equal to b, it is written a < bIf a is less than or equal to b, it is written a &acirc;&permil;&curren; b

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Yes. I'm assuming this is talking asking about boolean logic (the question makes little sense otherwise). If a and b are equal, then the complement of a and the complement of b are equal.

Where can one purchase anti fatigue mats?

Anti fatigue mats can be purchased in larger supermarkets (Tesco, Asda), DIY (B&amp;Q, Ikea) & household stores (Wilkinsons, Argos). There's also many places online that sell anti fatigue mats including Amazon.

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