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A full stop, particularly in algebra, may represent multiplication.

In vector algebra, it represents particular type of product of vectors: the dot product or scalar product.

In arithmetic a full stop (in many countries) is the decimal point: a symbol that separates digits whose place value is one or more from those whose place value is a tenth or less. In these countries a comma is often used to delimit thousands in large numbers. However, you should be aware that there are many countries - particularly in Europe - where the role of the full stop and comma is swapped.

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3mo ago

Oh, dude, a full stop in math is like the period at the end of a sentence. It's just a way to say, "Hey, the math sentence is over, time to move on to the next one." So, like, when you see a full stop in math, you know it's time to grab a snack or something.

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