a graph can show the amuont of time or the political voye a graph can be summed up as a chart used to record information
research graph timeline
The answer to a graph that uses bars to show information is a bargraph
bar graph
speed graph
line graph
they both show in crease but a line graph may show decrease
A graph does not cook your meals when you are hungry! A graph does not show causation.
research graph timeline
circle graph
depends what graph....
line graph
line graph
a picture graph uses pictures to show the point and bar graph use bar lines to show the point.
The answer to a graph that uses bars to show information is a bargraph
A pie graph is best for using to show percentages.
There are many things the graph does not show. It does not show my shoe size, for example.
No vertical line will intersect the graph in more than one point. The fundamental flaw is that no graph can show that it does not happen beyond the domain of the graph.