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a circle

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Q: What does a sphere represent?
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What subshell represent a sphere shape?

It is 's' subshell.

What does the Horizon great circle on the celestial sphere represent?

A circle through the Earth's sphere perpendicular to the observer's latitude

What represent lysosome?

Usually a sphere or a group of few spheres.

What is an armillary sphere?

An armillary sphere is an instrument consisting of graduated metal circles used to represent the motions of celestial bodies around the earth.

Who is the represent of the government of US?

a sphere is a other word for a ball such as the earth, if your wondering.

A hemisphere represents what part of a sphere?

A hemisphere represents half of a sphere. It is formed by cutting a sphere in half along a plane that passes through its center.

What does the great-circle route represent?

It is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, where the sphere in question is the earth. Particularly long airline flights follow great circle routes.

A sphere with ring going round it is a picture to represent what?

That picture represents the planet Saturn. The sphere is the planet itself, while the ring symbolizes its iconic ring system that surrounds it.

What is the list of colors that end with sphere?

The list of colours that end with sphere (the same with geometric shapes, animal shapes, plant shapes, balloons, etc.) are: Red sphere Black sphere Blue sphere Yellow sphere Pink sphere Silver sphere Green sphere Purple sphere Orange sphere Crimson sphere Navy sphere White sphere Gold sphere Teal sphere Brown sphere Indigo sphere Saffron sphere Amethyst sphere Vermilion sphere Chartreuse sphere Magenta sphere Viridian sphere Burgundy sphere Powder blue sphere Scarlet sphere Cyan sphere Azure sphere Lavender sphere Gray sphere Beige sphere Cerulean sphere Slate sphere Cobalt sphere Gunmetal sphere Copper sphere Bronze sphere Khaki sphere Citrine sphere Maroon sphere Olive sphere Peach sphere Cream sphere Sangria sphere Plum sphere Emerald sphere Cerise sphere Mauve sphere Moccasin sphere Aquamarine sphere Pearl sphere Turquoise sphere Platinum sphere Tan sphere Bittersweet sphere Periwinkle sphere Sapphire sphere Fuchsia sphere Dark green sphere Mahogany sphere Sea green sphere Claret sphere Lime sphere Amber sphere Ecru sphere Taupe sphere Tawny sphere Lilac sphere Ochre sphere Sepia sphere Celadon sphere Rust sphere Orchid sphere Ash gray sphere Steel blue sphere Sky blue sphere Burnt orange sphere Brick red sphere Caramel sphere Marigold sphere Burnt sienna sphere Verdigris sphere Indochine sphere Carmine sphere Linen sphere Goldenrod sphere Butterscotch sphere Dark gray sphere Harlequin green sphere Amaranth sphere Ultramarine sphere Royal blue sphere Garnet sphere Ebony sphere Ivory sphere Thistle sphere Jade green sphere Auburn sphere Sienna sphere Umber sphere Cadet blue sphere Dark brown sphere Orange peel sphere Salmon sphere Wisteria sphere Persimmon sphere Apricot sphere Brass sphere Ruby sphere Mint sphere Forest green sphere Aubergine sphere Hazel sphere Topaz sphere Bisque sphere Spring green sphere Rainbow sphere

What is are the meanings of a sphere?

A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional shape, where all points on its surface are equidistant from its center. It is a geometric shape commonly used in mathematics and physics for calculations involving volume, surface area, and motion. In a more abstract sense, a sphere can also represent completeness, unity, or harmony.

What is the latitude and longitude in degrees of?

Latitude and longitude are angles, since they represent arcs on the surface of a sphere (the Earth). Therefore they're described in units of angles.

What four sphere not the most abundant element?

The four spheres (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) do not represent specific elements but rather components of the Earth system. While oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, it is not specific to any particular sphere.