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if used in a decimal it means that the number it is over is repeating

ex) 27.33333333333333

instead you could write 27.3 with a line over the 3

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Q: What does a straight line over a number mean?
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When there is a straight line (known as a vinculum) over a Roman numeral, it typically signifies multiplication. It indicates that the value of that Roman numeral should be multiplied by the number below the vinculum.

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I believe it means infinity.

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Is a number that has a line over it rational?

The line is usually taken to mean that the decimals under the line repeat. And yes, such a number is rational, since it can be converted into a fraction (with whole numerator and denominator).

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The marks you're describing represent the number 1 in a prescription. The horizontal line and dot are to help prevent reading errors.

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What does a small 5 over a number mean in maths?

If the 5 and the number are seperated by a line its a fraction. But if its just on top of it to the right then its an exponet.

In mathematics what does a number with a line over it mean?

It means recurring, so rather than writing out an endless line of 3s, 3.333333333333 etc they would write the 3.333 with the last 3 having a line over it.