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The line over a fraction number means division. For example 2/4. 4 divided by 2 is 2. Add to the the numerator and you get 4/4. 4/4 is equal to one whole.

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Q: What does a line over a fraction number mean?
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What does a small 5 over a number mean in maths?

If the 5 and the number are seperated by a line its a fraction. But if its just on top of it to the right then its an exponet.

Is a number that has a line over it rational?

The line is usually taken to mean that the decimals under the line repeat. And yes, such a number is rational, since it can be converted into a fraction (with whole numerator and denominator).

What does a line over a whole number mean?

A line over a whole number means that number repeats for an infinite number of times.

Using a the fraction 4 over 6 which number is the denominator?

The number below the line, 6 in this case.

What is 70000 as a fraction in simplest form?

To create a fraction you need a numerator and a denominator - the numerator is the number above the line, and the denominator is the number below the line. 70000 is an integer - to convert it to a fraction in the simplest form simply put it over 1 = 70000/1

What is the name of a line that divides a fraction?

The line separating the numerator and denominator when displayed as one number over another is called Vinculum, or sometimes referred to as the fraction bar. If the line is a slanting line (such as in "9/10"), it's referred to as the solidus.

How do you Change 11 over 20 in to a decimal number?

To convert a fraction to a decimal you need to divide the numerator (the number above the line) by the denominator (the number below the line). 11/20 = 0.55

What does the little two over the fraction mean?

A superscript 2 above any number means that number is multiplied by itself. This is called a squared number. If this is over a fraction, then it could either apply to just the numerator or the entire fraction depending on whether or not there are brackets.

What does a straight line over a number mean?

if used in a decimal it means that the number it is over is repeating ex) 27.33333333333333 instead you could write 27.3 with a line over the 3

What is a fraction called when a bigger number is over a smaller number?

The fraction is known as a mixed fraction.

What does fraction mean in math?

a fraction is a number over a number like 1 23 _ or _ if the bottom number is 100 what ever the top number 10 100 is that's what the percentage is. EX. 27 _ = 27% 100

What does a line over a decimal number mean in division?

I believe it means infinity.