All Clear
On normal calculator, press 'Off'. If your calculator doesn't have this button, the calculator will turn off automatically after some time. On scientific calculator, press 'shift' and press 'AC'. (depends on your version of the calculator)
Input is when you type with the calculator
press 2and 3 with on/ac switch for 2-4 sec and release on/ac then 2,3 the calc. is off
What does 4e-6 mean
AC stands for all clear on a calculator
All Clear
On normal calculator, press 'Off'. If your calculator doesn't have this button, the calculator will turn off automatically after some time. On scientific calculator, press 'shift' and press 'AC'. (depends on your version of the calculator)
On a regular calculator, you just leave it it will off itself. On a scientific calculator, press shift AC.
Input is when you type with the calculator
press 2and 3 with on/ac switch for 2-4 sec and release on/ac then 2,3 the calc. is off
Plug in port for ac.
yes you mean calculator. yes a calculator is there in the computer.
What does 4e-6 mean