Yes, bankers use fractions because fractions are the same as percentage. and they need percentage for exact change and for knowing how much money is in the safe.
In math best
Math is related to math because math(1) is technically math(2) itself, because there is really no description how math(1) is the same as math(2). There is only one math, except for types of math, like algebra.
Math is not just math you have to study it like subtration and addition. You use it on sheets or paper work.
a math book is were u learn math
They have a machine that counts the money of what ever number the bankers type in
they dont use much math they only count there money
subtract divide multiply addition
Arithmetic , algebra, some differential equations might occur in analysis.
Bankers do all sorts of math, from simple addition and subtraction to complicated problems including compound interest, for example. Math is essential to any banking job. Today though, most of the math is done on computers, not by hand or by humans at all.
Bankers Retardo
platimum bankers platimum bankers platimum bankers
no bankers are not sales people but they are the advisors
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Bankers Hall was created in 1989.
A Wunch is what a group of bankers are called.
Dominated by the banking industry, entrepreneurs, bankers said. Do bankers known as: capitalists, investors Bankers means good at breeding in the business vision into business reality of people