In Physics and Mathematics; d represents distance, t represents time and s represents speed.
d/t = s
This means the distance divided by time equals speed.
So, for example, I am traveling in my car and the distance from A to B is 100 metres. If it takes me 3000 seconds to get there, I have travelled at a speed of 0.03... metres per second (ms^-1).
We use standed units, such as seconds, when using calculations.
Speed = Distance divided by Time (S = D/T)Time = Distance divided by Speed (T = D/S)Distance = Speed times Time (D = S x T)
To determine how many 3's go into 42, you would perform division. 42 divided by 3 equals 14. Therefore, there are 14 3's in 42.
Sides on a Rectangle (or Rhombus)
The formula for Z obtained is zobt equals the average of the sample (Xbar)minus the average of the population (u), divided b the standard deviation of the sample (s), divided be the square root of N. Example: Zobt= X-u ,divided by s ,divided by ,square root of N
trololioololoololool D:
The d stands for distance.
Speed equals distance divided by time. S=D/T.
Speed = Distance divided by Time (S = D/T)Time = Distance divided by Speed (T = D/S)Distance = Speed times Time (D = S x T)
30 Days in September
snow white seven dwarfs
Speed equals distance travelled divided by time taken.... S=d/t
s = -145
this isn't an answer just more info T is time R is speed percent D is distance S is speed
7 equals down in sewer water
I think the correct formula 4 that is [s=d\t], or speed equals distance over (divided by) time. Or the formula for velocity which is the same formula except it's V=d/t which is velocity equals distance divided by time, and you must to include a specific direction in your answer (EX: south, east, north, west, northwest, ect.). If you need to find out how long it takes to do something or the time it will take, then u slightly change the formula and do T=d\s, or time equals distance divided by average speed (or speed). Hope this helps a bit!
6 sides on a die.
10000 equals 10000 meters