Greatest amount
Lets think about like english, In english dearest means the most precious one or the word dearest is used to say that they are great in ones mind. If we use the same method in maths dearest means the greater value of a number.
Hope it's clear!!!!!!!
What symbol
oz = ounce
In maths, something that is quadratic is squared. So a quadratic equation will have X squared in it.
The word "quad" mean four (4).
I think it means dearest from dearest...part of someone dearest in your life
Translation: What are you like, my dearest?
Hello, My son's name is Priyansh. As per my understanding if you break this word in to two part: "Priy" means Dearest + "Ansh" means Part = Dearest Part
A expression in maths is a collection of terms without an equality sign.
What symbol
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