Decreased means subtract. If your age is decreased by 5, that means take your age and subtract 5.
The quantity subtracted.
ask your math teacher
There is > and + is all i know Subtraction: 50 decreased by 10 is the same as 50 - 10.
sum means the answer of a math problem
in math terms reduce means to simplify
Decreased does not mean "removed creases from" but, instead, means "reduced or made smaller".
The quantity subtracted.
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg
ask your math teacher
There is > and + is all i know Subtraction: 50 decreased by 10 is the same as 50 - 10.
What does increased mean
sum means the answer of a math problem
A rhombus.