In mathematics, a deposit typically refers to the act of putting money into a bank account or other financial institution. It can also refer to the initial amount of money put into an investment or savings account. The term "deposit" is commonly used in finance to describe the addition of funds into an account, which can then earn interest or be used for future transactions.
Oh, dude, "deposit" in math is when you put some cash in the bank, like when you're feeling all responsible and stuff. It's like storing your money for a rainy day, except in math, it's just a fancy way to say you're adding some numbers together. So, yeah, deposit in math is just a mathy way of saying you're throwing some numbers into the mix.
What does length mean in math
Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It has no meaning in math. Communative does not mean anything - in math or elsewhere.
the mean is the average
What does > mean?
deposit = add withdraw = subtract
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
more, plus, deposit, add, gain, raise, increase, sum, total
The word minimum means that for instance if you had an equation like this,the minimum deposit for a new checking account is $75 that means that it can be $75 dollars or more.
What does length mean in math
The answer is Calculus, which is a branch of mathematics, and also a deposit on teeth.
The overall change to his account was making a deposit of 29. The math would be -4 + 29 = 25 for his current balance.
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It mean Deposit.
The Social Security benefits. Deposit, accompanied by the service code 310 gives the benefactor an indication that the deposit was a special circumstance deposit. This type of deposit is usually an one time deposit.
she needs help in math.
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg