

What does distribution of data mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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distribution of data is the way that you show or "distribute" your data. It just means how you show your work.In some cases it means how you put out or spread out your work like in math.

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Q: What does distribution of data mean?
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In the normal distribution, the mean and median coincide, and 50% of the data are below the mean.

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It means that the data are distributed according to a probability distribution function known as the normal distribution. This site is useless for showing most mathematical functions but you can Google "normal distribution" to get more details.

What is the signifance of the mean of a probability distribution?

It is the average of all the numbers in the distribution. If you chose a random data point of the distribution, there would be a 50% chance that it is above the mean, and a 50% chance that it is below the mean.

What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

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When is the mean less than the median?

When the data distribution is negatively skewed.

What does data distribution mean?

It is the set of values that a variable can take together with the probability or frequency distribution for those values.

For a distribution always mean exists?

No, not always. It depends on the type of data you collect. If it is quantitative data, you will be able to calculate a mean. If it is qualitative data, a mean can't be calculated but you can describe the data in terms of a mode.

What are outliers in math?

A bit of data that is very distant from the normal distribution of data and its mean. An unusual value.

What does the normal allow you to measure?

The normal distribution allows you to measure the distribution of a set of data points. It helps to determine the average (mean) of the data and how spread out the data is (standard deviation). By using the normal distribution, you can make predictions about the likelihood of certain values occurring within the data set.

What is the mean and standard deviations and the standard normal distribution?

Mean is the average, sum total divided by total number of data entries. Standard deviation is the square root of the sum total of the data values divided by the total number of data values. The standard normal distribution is a distribution that closely resembles a bell curve.