This means that whatever a given number "a" is, number "b" is larger that number "a". If you are trying to say equal or greater, it would be number "b" is either equal to number "a", or of larger value than "a".
A line under the greater than symbol means, "greater than or equal to" and can also be represented by ">=" on the keyboard.
Greater than >Less than written on top of =.
"Is at most" is the same as "less than or equal to".
The greater than or equal to sign is "≥".
If by "arrow" you mean "carat" (>) the carat means "greater than" and if underlined means "greater than or equal to"
A line under the greater than symbol means, "greater than or equal to" and can also be represented by ">=" on the keyboard.
Not greater than or equal to.
It means greater than or equal to
You can use the Not function or the <> operator, which is the < and the > beside each other. To see if the values in A1 and A2 are not equal to each other, you can type: =A1<>A2 or =Not(A1=A2) In each case they will either give you TRUE if they are not equal or FALSE if they are equal, in the cell that you enter the formula into.
It depends what you mean by m. If you mean metres, then it is greater than it. If you mean miles, then it is less than it.
Greater than >Less than written on top of =.
Less than Less than or equal to Equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to
"Is at most" is the same as "less than or equal to".
The greater than or equal to sign is "≥".
If by "arrow" you mean "carat" (>) the carat means "greater than" and if underlined means "greater than or equal to"
< this means less than > this means more than If you are writing them, putting an underline underneath them will mean XX or equal to. However in typed font you can also use <= for less than or equal to, and >= for greater than or equal to.
greater than is