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To fall to staves means to fall apart. The staves are the wooden strips of a barrel held together with metal bands. If it falls to staves, it falls apart.

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Q: What does he'd fall to his staves mean?
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What were the strips of wood called that were used to make barrels and ships?

Barrel staves

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Eric Staves goes by Redman.

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Hed PE was created in 1994.

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Hed Kandi was created in 1999.

How can I use MuseScore to hide empty staves in my musical score?

To hide empty staves in MuseScore, go to Format Style Score and check the box next to "Hide empty staves." This will remove any staves that do not have any notes or rests in them from the score.

What is the formula for sizing barrel staves as in varied widths to the amount of staves needed and maintain the same centre bulge?

To size barrel staves with varied widths while maintaining a consistent center bulge, you can use the following formula: Width = 2 * pi * radius / (number of staves * tan(180 / number of staves)) This formula takes into account the circumference of the barrel at the bulge section, the number of staves, and the desired angle between the staves to ensure they fit together while maintaining the same bulge at the center.

What is the ISBN of The Riddle-Master of Hed?

The ISBN of The Riddle-Master of Hed is 0345288815.

When was The Riddle-Master of Hed created?

The Riddle-Master of Hed was created in 1976.

When was Hed Arzi Music created?

Hed Arzi Music was created in 1946.

Is hed a word in scrabble?

No, "hed" is not a word at all, and may not be used in Scrabble.

How can I use MuseScore 2 to hide empty staves in my musical score?

To hide empty staves in MuseScore 2, go to Format Style Score and check the box next to "Hide empty staves." This will remove any staves that do not have any notes or rests in them from the score display.