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In mathematics, infinity is not a specific number but rather a concept that represents something endless or unbounded. When we talk about infinity in numbers, we are referring to the idea of a quantity that has no limit. In some contexts, infinity can be represented symbolically as ∞, but it is important to note that infinity is not a real number and cannot be used in typical arithmetic operations.

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12y ago

Infinity is technically an innumerable concept. The way most mathematicians describe it is to use an ellipsis ("...") to state that a concrete pattern continues to infinity. For example, the set of integers is usually noted as { ... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }, implying that every negative whole number comes before it and every positive number comes after it. For, say, a sequence of numbers starting at 1 and multiplying each term by half, you'd see { 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, ... }.

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All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.

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An infinity. There is an infinity of numbers between any two numbers. I you want whole numbers, there are 31.

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No there isn't. Some people say that infinity is the last number but what about infinity and one and infinity and two? So basically there is no end to numbers. To infinity and beyond!

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For this and any question like it but with a different number, infinity. Numbers never end.

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'Infinity' is just a concept of something that is without limit. You find infinity used in math (numbers) and physics (distance or a measurement like time), a lot. Infinity is not a 'place', so cannot be dreadful.

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