This term is usually used with triangles, and in this case, it means that at least 2 sides are equal in length.
Note that this could be 2 sides or 3 sides (called an equilateral triangle, and is still an isosceles triangle).
thank goodness for my math teacher, norm! he said only in an isosceles triangle. The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base! =)
What does length mean in math
It depends on isosceles WHAT? There are isosceles triangles, isosceles trapezia, for example.
Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It has no meaning in math. Communative does not mean anything - in math or elsewhere.
the mean is the average
it means two sides are equal and the other is not
they are all triangles
scalene, isosceles, equalateral
Integer, isosceles triangle, inverse operation...
Isosceles mean having two sides of equal length.
Isosceles. It is a property of a triangle where two of the sides are the same length.
If you mean an isosceles triangle then no because all triangles have no diagonals
thank goodness for my math teacher, norm! he said only in an isosceles triangle. The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base! =)
Isosceles triangle.One option is an isosceles triangle.After 'H'? If you mean i, that would be isosceles triangle. If you really meant 'H', then hexagon would work.
Isosceles with a Clasical Greek mathematician, who theorised over triangles. Today in his memory we have the Isosceles Triangle, which is a triangle of two equal lengths and two equal angles.
an isosceles triangle is a triangle that means two of the triangles sides have the same length and two angles are the same
First of all there is no such thing, second isosceles trapezoid/trapezium are two sides&angles the same which it don't have any.