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Q: What does it mean if you have 3 plus blood and 1 plus protein in your urine?
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What does blood plus plus mean in medical terminology?

"Blood ++", "2+ blood," and "blood 2+" are different ways of indicating that there was a moderate amount of hidden blood in a urine dipstick.

What does a plus one in urine mean?

one plus is medical lingo for a small positive bacteria or ketone. If we are looking for a urinary tract infection we will say if positive one plus bacteria or one plus blood with a kidney stone. Most scales read from one plus to 3 plus to too numerous to count.

What does 3 plus blood in urine mean?

3 plus blood in urine is also known as hematuria. Blood in urine can be normal if the individual does strenuous exercise which should go away in a few days. Other reasons could be from common drugs or a serious disorder.

What is the normal blood protein range?

7% plus or minus 1%

Is albumin plus plus plus plus normal in urine?

No, 3+ albumin in the urine is not normal.

In reflex urinalysis test what does blood large 3 plus mean?

urianlysis 3 plus what does this mean

Is it normal for urine to have plus plus bacteria?

No. Normal urine should be sterile.

What does occult blood plus 1 urinalysis result mean?


Is a plus an o blood type compatible?

If you mean can they produce children, yes.

What is the difference A- blood and A plus blood?

The Rhesus factor, also known as the Rh factor, is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells. People who have the Rhesus factor are considered to have a positive blood type. Those who don't have the antigen are considered to have a negative blood type.

What does a 1 plus on a urine dipstick test mean?

It leans there is some of whatever is being tested present in the urine. It is a relative scale ranging from 0 (none) up to usually 3+ or 4+ .

What is likely to happen to a donor's cells if an Rh- person who is sensitive Rh plus blood receives a transfusion of Rh plus blood?

They will have what is called a transfusion reaction. The red blood cells will start to breakdown, the body will not get enough oxygen, the kidneys will fill up with protein from the blood, breathing will slow down or stop, and the person can go into shock and die.