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It means that you manipulate the equation in such a way that "y" appears to the left, and everything else, including "x", to the right, of the equal sign.

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Q: What does it mean when foor an equation to express y in terms of x?
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What does it mean for an equation to express y in terms of x?

It means you manipulate the equation in such a way that "y" is alone to the left of the equal sign, and everything else (including "x") is to the right.

What does express A in terms of B mean?

In an equation, A will be on one side (generally the left side) all alone, and B will have the coefficients and operands. For example: A = 3B + 7

What does express mean in mathematical terms?

It means "a Mathematical Expression".

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Equations that have the same solution.

What does in terms of x mean?

If you are trying, for example, to find y in terms of x, you want to get an equation with only y on one side equal to an equation with x in it on the other side.

What does equation mean in the terms of math in more or less?

It means "not equal to".

What does express x as a function of y mean?

It means you should rearrange the equation so that x is on one side of the equal sign, and everything else on the other, with no "x" on the right side of the equation. For instance, if I was told to express x as a function of y and given the equation: x-4y=6 I would express x as a function of y by rearranging the equation to read: x = 6+4y

What does difference mean in an math equation?

Difference in math means subtraction. To express the difference between 6 and 2 you would use the equation 6 - 2 = 4.

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The result of an input x of an equation; f(x)

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Also if you mean Newtons in terms of weight the formula is Newtons = Mass * Gravity

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To combine all like terms on both sides and reduce it to its simplest form

What does it mean when they ask write an equation in terms of 'x'?

X = whatever times y + the constant (b)