it means to put together the terms that have the same variable. so if you had the equation: 2x+4y+5x it would simplify to 7x+4y because you would combine to the two x-variables.
no, combining like terms means combine the terms that are the same 15+x+6+x=28 combine like terms 21+2x=28 2x=7 x=3.5
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sum means the answer of a math problem
in math terms reduce means to simplify
It is an abbreviation for quart.
no, combining like terms means combine the terms that are the same 15+x+6+x=28 combine like terms 21+2x=28 2x=7 x=3.5
it means to like balls
it means more like meanings EX:what does mean mean in math meanings or what does mean mean in math terms . so its more like a different way to say it
Circumference is like the perimeter of a circle.
To combine terms
Sure, you can measure some shoes and then calculate the mean if you like.
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
in math terms cone means a 3 dimensional figure that is round on the tpo and has a flat bottom, like an ice cream cone.
To combine all like terms on both sides and reduce it to its simplest form
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg
ask your math teacher