An evaluation of service means that you are checking to see if services are performed within acceptable ranges. Some business owners like to have their service evaluated to make sure that everyone in their employ is doing their job correctly.
evaluate means to figure out the value of something
The term often used is to "evaluate".
I means to make the number go down
contemplate, ponder, evaluate,
It means to find the numerical value of the expression.
it means to solve an problemEx.evaluate5+6=A:11so evaluate means to solve a problem
The word evaluate simply means 'find the value of...' For example, if asked to evaluate 23x4, the answer is 92.
evaluate means to figure out the value of something
Evaluate means simply to find the value of.
"Evaluate" means to calculate - find out what value it has.
The term often used is to "evaluate".
Evaluate means solves, and data means info or information, so u should 'solve the information'
That means to look at each statement separately and evaluate after each step.
Evaluation can improve customer service by analyzing where an organization is right now in the service continuum. How else can an organization make improvements to customer service if they don't know where they are now. Evaluations provide a means to evaluate the public through the questions asked in the survey, interview, or program.
That basically means to calculate.
That basically means to calculate.
i think it means to check your answer