1,570,000 Unless you are using mil to mean "millimetre" then 1.57 mil = 1.57 mm = 0.00157 m Or you are using mil to mean "millilitre" then 1.57 mil = 1.57 ml = 0.00157 l. Or you are using mil to mean "thousandths of an inch" then 1.57 mil = 0.00157 inch.
That really depends on what you mean by "Mil." Assuming you mean miligram, then your answer is one thousand.
Mil quinientos veintiuno means 1521. mil = 1000 quinientos = 400 veintiuno = 21
"Mil años" in English is "One thousand years".
Thousand. Spanish > English
In measurements, 'mil' is a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch.
.mil is a "military" Internet domain reserved for the US Department of Defense.
mismo in spanish means?
Meet up
26 um is equal to 0.001 mil in American measurements.