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in a math equation "n" is normally the unidentified number in the equation and 2 is the number squared :)

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13y ago
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2d ago

Ah, n^2 in math is a beautiful thing. It simply means "n" multiplied by itself. Just imagine a happy little "n" dancing with its reflection, creating a stronger bond with each twirl. Embrace the joy of squaring numbers, my friend, for it opens up a world of endless possibilities on your canvas of mathematics.

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3mo ago

Oh, dude, n2 in math just means n multiplied by itself. It's like when you have n squared, you're just taking n and giving it a little ego boost by making it feel all big and powerful. So yeah, n2 is just n chillin' with itself, feeling squared and stuff.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

N is greater than -2

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4y ago

how many more men to substrate

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4y ago

look it up on the web!

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