3, -3
4, -4
these numbers all have the same "exact value"
3, -5 do not have the same exact value.
exact value is how many s[pots away from 0 it is
It means that the observations are all close to their mean value.
It simply means that there is no limit to the number of values that x can take. It does not necessarily mean that x is very large. As Cantor proved, there are an infinite number of value between any two numbers - no matter how close together they are.
The mean
The absolute value of a number is the distance it is from zero on a number line. It is written as the number without any sign.
Approximate value, is a value that is not necessarily the right answer but, it is the closest one to it.It means that it isn't exact - but close to the exact value.
Approximate value, is a value that is not necessarily the right answer but, it is the closest one to it.It means that it isn't exact - but close to the exact value.
"More or less" is a phrase used to indicate an approximation or estimation. It suggests that something is somewhat close to a particular amount but may not be exact.
the exact answer is no other # it is right on that point
In term of Science : Accuracy is how close a numerical measure is to its actual value. In term of mathematics : the number of significant figures given in a number
close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact
Its decimal value keeps going on forever, without ever repeating. It can never be reduced to an exact fraction value of two whole integers.It means that pi is an irrational number and as such can not be expressed as a fraction
Communist, Bolshevik. NB They are not exact equivalents, but close.
It is a measure of how close the calculated value is to the true value.
The median of the set of data does not have to be close in value to the mean. First of all, what is the median? The median is the middle number between a set of numbers. So if you are asked what the median of a set of numbers is.... put the set of numbers in order from lowest in value to highest value. Example.... 1, 2, 3, 45, 100, 1010, 1020. In this example, what is the median, or the middle number? It's ... 45! If you want to find the mean ... add all of the numbers and divide the sum by the AMOUNT of numbers there are in the set.... the sum of the set is 2181.. and there are 7 numbers in the set. The mean is 2181 / 7 = 311. 57. You can see that 311 is not close in value to 45.
It means that the observations are all close to their mean value.