One hundred thousand is represented numerically as 100,000. Visually, it can be conceptualized as a large quantity, equivalent to ten sets of ten thousand objects each. In terms of physical representation, it could be visualized as a stack of one hundred bundles of one thousand objects each, or as a grid of one hundred rows and one thousand columns of objects.
Six hundred million forty-three thousand two hundred one = 600,043,201
a hundred thousand and one. The next power of 10 higher is one million.
One hundred thousand is not a million.
One hundred one thousand seven hundred.
"Ten hundred" is one thousand."One thousand" million is one billion.One billion looks like this ==> 1,000,000,000
Six hundred million forty-three thousand two hundred one = 600,043,201
100 = 1021 million = 1061 thousand = 103100 million thousand = 1011 = 100,000,000,000Another name for this is "One hundred billion".
ten hundred = 10 00 = 1 000 = one thousand
It looks like exactly as in the question 100,000 which is one hundred thousand
It's written 10,101,000
It looks like ten thousand one hundred dollar bills. Or does it look like twenty thousand fifty dollar bills? I can never remember.
One hundred and sixteen thousand, nine hundred and fifty-nine point four three