per means each in an equation. e.g.:sweets per child will mean sweeta each child.
It means to find what numbers the variables (the letters) must be in order to make the equation a true statement.
If you mean (1, 2) and (3, 4) then its equation is y = x+1
It is not an equation because it has no equality sign but it means xn squared-nx
It means to ascertain that the equation you are given is actually true by manipulating one of the two sides to reach the desired result.
231 refers to the number of cubic inches (in3) per gallon of volume.
Put the 'per' number in the denominator of the fraction.
Numerals are what MAKE the equation.
Numerals are what MAKE the equation.
I assume you mean its 'rated amperes per line'? Manipulate the following equation to make I its subject:Rated Apparent Power = 1.732 x VL IL
It means that the equation has no way of working it out / There is no answer.
an equation is a number sentence with and = sign
The chemical equation for glucose is C6H12O6.
A solution to an equation is a set of values for the variables in the equation which make it true.
An equation is two expessions that have equal values
what does equation mean
The answer depends on what exactly you mean by doing an equation!