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Another way of saying time...It means either 5:10 pm or 5:10 am

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

5 minutes past 10 o clock

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Q: What does ten past five mean?
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What is a quarter to ten to five past ten?

Twenty minutes.

What is ten-five?

I presume you mean: 'What is ten - five?' The answer to that is 5.

How do you say five past in French?

In French, "five past" is translated as "cinq heures cinq" for 5:05, for example.

What does look in the five and ten mean?

There used to be 5 and 10 cent stores. That's what the five and ten is.

What does 'ten of six' mean in regard to time?

Ten minutes past six.

What does eight past ten mean?

Eight minutes after ten o'clock.

What does 10 past 5 look like on a digital clock?

If 'ten past five' is in the morning, then it is '0510' on the digit clock. If 'ten past five; is in the afternoon, then it is '1710' on the digital clock. Pn the analogue clock , ten past five, has the hands pointing; 0 #viz. Large hand to '2(II)', that is ten minutes past the hour. The small hand to '5(V)', that is the fifth hour. On the analogie clock , the number , be they Arabic or Roman, indicate the hour. Between each number there are five small divisions, marked by little lines/dots etc. these inidicate the minutes from '12(XII)' . So at 'ten past any given hour;, you will find ten small divisions between '12' and '2'.

What does diez y siete mean in spanish?

Seven past ten

Does a five figure income mean ten thousand dollars?

A Five figure income can mean any figure from 10,000 to 99,999

What is 0005 time mean?

Five minutes past midnight.

What does five past eleven mean?

it means 11:05

What time is ten past ten?

Ten past ten is typically interpreted as 10:10 on a clock. In a standard 12-hour clock format, this would be in the morning. In a 24-hour clock format, this would be 10:10 hours. The minute hand points at the 2, and the hour hand points at the 10.