The phrase "Mugging me" is slang for "Staring at". As in "Who you muggin?"
Its an expression for Disagreement..
To evaluate an expression is nothing but to operate the given expression according to the operators given in the expression if it is evaluable i.e, it could be convertable.
The expression, "is at most" is stating that there is no higher terms than what is being stated.
To get drunk or stoned
well an expression shows how you feel about the words that your saying, so if you said to your loved one "i love you dearly" while frowning it could make them think that you don't really mean it. an expression can mean a lot.
Widow Muggin's Wedding - 1914 was released on: USA: 25 May 1914
Huggin was the elder, and smaller, Muggin was the younger, and larger. They had to work togeather on their travels, as Muggin couldn't comprehend what they saw and Huggin couldn't remember it. Which makes sense, as there is more memory storage in a computer than there is computation room.
of course not you cotton headed ninny muggin
stroke your chin in a beard motion up and down or put your thumb and index finger together like your rubbing money in your hand with a mean muggin face
Replace each variable in the expression by its value and then find the value of the expression.
This expression means " You mean everything in the whole world to me. " A very romantic expression of love.
Expression which is shown on face while dancing
An algebraic expression is a collection of terms with no equality sign
As an expression "tube" is usually used as slang for television.
A Numerical Expression is an expression only using numbers.