On the common Texas Instrument (TI) it looks like a fraction with a square instead of a number for the denominator and numerator. If you cannot find that button you can also put the fraction as division inside parenthesis for example 1 half could be put in as (1/2)
It is often labeled as x^2 , or x2.
look for the A B/C button and press the first number, then the button then the second
Look at the bottom of the calculator. There is a button that looks like this (-). Press that button and then press the number you want to be negative and you have a negative number. It's not as hard as you think:)
A banana is a non-fraction!
78% of a fraction would look like this: 0.78, or on a calculator it could look like this: 77.5
I don't acctually know!
It is often labeled as x^2 , or x2.
look for the A B/C button and press the first number, then the button then the second
Look for a reset button on the back of your calculator,(works for ti30xIIs) or look in manual how to clean ram mem.
Look at the bottom of the calculator. There is a button that looks like this (-). Press that button and then press the number you want to be negative and you have a negative number. It's not as hard as you think:)
What do i look like a calculator? :/
yes it called a carrot look at the number 6 and push shift and the six button
A banana is a non-fraction!
a Decimal.
It is 100/1 as an improper fraction