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It means that 6 is a recurring decimal such as 0.16666...recurring 6

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Q: What does the line over the six in 0.16 mean?
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Either, the decimal with a line over what's repeating (eg. 0.6 with a line over it), or decimal repeating (eg. "point six repeating").

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2. and .66with a line over the second six hope this helps

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One over Six (1/6) would be one sixth of the way between zero and one.

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16.666666666666% ( goes on forever. Put a line above last six or write 16.667)

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It would be 0.0666666666, and the sixes will go on for ever, but to shorten it you would put .06 with a line over the six.

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The answer is yes your neighbors can legally pee in your pool.

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they are reflective on the # line