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it means our lord Jesus Christ! he was 33 at death! 33 miracles! 33 is the name of a prayer for Jesus Christ!

On the united states flag we have the number 50 and 13 which represent states and colonies! 50 also means countless and 13 also means bad luck! countless colonies! Countless Bad luck! if we add 50 and 13 we get 63. if we read the number from left to right we six three's 333333 our lord Jesus Christ! if we read the number from left to right we get three six's 666 sign of the serpent Satan.

Down south we have Mexico! Quetzalcoatl revealed himself to the Mechica tribe (Mexican) and said "i will return but before I do another will come in my name! Do not be fooled for he will come as a serpent and will be a false prophet! I will return as an eagle and devour the serpent!

Jesus Christ is Quetzalcoatl!

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