A single number, such as 2481020, cannot define a sequence.
A single number, such as 256196144100643616 does not represent a sequence.
The term that comes before nth term
Each following number in the sequence is being divided by 4. Therefore, the next number in the sequence is 3/4 = 0.75.
A single number, such as 172516261546 does not represent a sequence.
A single number, such as 483672438 does not make a sequence.
A single number, such as 2481020, cannot define a sequence.
A single number, such as 256196144100643616 does not represent a sequence.
A single number, such as 3773949588525642992, does not constitute a sequence.
The term that comes before nth term
The next number in the sequence is 6. The sequence alternates between adding 3 and subtracting 1 from the previous number.
Each following number in the sequence is being divided by 4. Therefore, the next number in the sequence is 3/4 = 0.75.