A minim, since 2 2 is a simple duple time signature.
The 4 8 time signature indicates that there a four beats per measure and each beat is an eighth note.
2 and 2 could mean 22 if some one is trying to trick you but it could also mean 4. So next time someone asks you that then you know what to say
925 means it is sterling silver, which is 92.5% silver. The QT can be a signature of an artist. QT commonly is a signature of a 20th-21st century designed, Carolyn Pollack.
2.If you are talking about time, a quarter of eight is 7:45.If you mean quarter, then it is 2
2/2 time signature
What is the time signature of dance?
A minim, since 2 2 is a simple duple time signature.
2/2 is a time signature, indicating that the piece is written with two half-notes to the bar. It is also referred to as 'half time'.
March time is a 2/4 or 4/4 time signature. When I play in march time, I imagine people-well- marching!
The bottom figure of the time signature determines the duration of a beat. When the bottom number is 4 (2/4, 3/4 etc.), a quarter note takes a beat. If the bottom number is 2 (2/2, 3/2 etc.), the duration of a beat is a half note.
2/4 is the time signature
Alla breve
3/2 is a variety of simple triple time with three minim beats to the bar. In the sixteenth century, such that the symbol occasionally used for the time signature 4/4 would be a modified C, or common time, the time signature for 3/2 time would be represented with a full circle.
I'm not sure a time signature with a 3 on the bottom exists but if it did it would mean there were 5 dotted crotchets in a bar.
The time signature, also known as meter signature or bar signature is a notational convention used in musical notation to say how many beats are in each measure and which note constitutes one beat. In a musical score, the time signature appears at the beginning of the piece.