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It equals the mass of the object placed in it.

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Q: What does the volume of displaced water equal?
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How do you find the volume of a pear?

The Easiest way- fil a marked measuring cup with enough water to cover the pear. Note the measurement. now push the pear into the water. Note the larger measurement. Subtract smaller from larger. Difference is the volume of water the pear displaced, which is equal to the volume of the pear.

How would you find the volume of an irregular shaped object like a rock?

You would measure the length width and heighth. Then you would multiply them all together. <><><> A better means would be to have a container that the rock will fit in, and fill it full of water. Place the rock in the container, which will overflow. Then remove the rock, and measure the volume of water you have to pour into the container to make it full again. The volume of the water will equal the volume that was displaced by the rock.

A 15 gram solid object is dropped into agraduated cylinder containin 35 ml of water the water level rises to 45 ml mark what is the density of the solid?

the object volume is equal to the water displaced, or 10ml. Density is 15/10 = 1.5g/ml

What part of the block of wood remains immersed in water of density 1000kg per cm cube when the block of wood placed in water has density 700 Kg per m cube?

-- The aggregate density of the wood block is 700/1000 = 0.7 the density of water. -- So, as soon as the wood has displaced 0.7 of its volume in water, it has displaced its entire weight in water, and floats. -- The wood floats with 0.7 of its volume below the surface and 0.3 of its volume above it.

Is the volume of water displaced when a golf ball is dropped in a large beaker greater than the volume of the golf ball?

Yes, but only if there is air, dust and other molecular scale debris attached to the ball. In a perfect universe, where nothing but the ball enters the water, then the volume would be exactly the same as that of the sphere.

Related questions

What is volume of the displaced wate is equal to?

The volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object submerged in water. This is known as Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object.

When body is immersed in water then water equal to the volume explain this?

The water displaced by the body is equal to its volume.

Is it true that If an object floats the volume of the displaced water is equal to the volume of the portion of the object that's underwater?

the weight of the displaced water is equal to the weight of the object

What is the relationship between buoyant force and the volume of water displaced?

The buoyant force acting on an object submerged in water is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object. The volume of water displaced is directly proportional to the buoyant force, meaning that the greater the volume of water displaced, the greater the buoyant force acting on the object.

How does the amount of buoyant force exerted by water vary with the volume of submerged solid?

The buoyant force exerted by water on a submerged solid is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the solid. This means that the buoyant force increases with the volume of the solid submerged, as more water is displaced.

How does the volume of completely submerged object compare with the volume of water displaced?

They are equal.

How do you work out the volume of displaced water from an anchor that lies on the bottom of the ocean?

To calculate the volume of water displaced by an anchor on the ocean floor, you can use Archimedes' principle. The volume of water displaced will be equal to the volume of the anchor that is submerged underwater. By knowing the density of water and the weight of the anchor, you can calculate the volume of water displaced.

How does the volume of a fully submerged object compare with the volume of water displaced?

The volume of a fully submerged object is equal to the volume of water it displaces. This is known as Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object.

How do you use submerging method to calculate volume?

The volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object submerged into the water

How can an irregular volume be measured?

By placing the object in water and the volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object immersed

How does the ml of a completely submerged object compare with the ml of water displaced?

The milliliters of a completely submerged object is equal to the milliliters of water displaced. This is in line with Archimedes' principle, which states that the volume of water displaced by an object is equal to the volume of the object submerged.

If an object floats the volume of the displaced water?

The volume of the water displaced by an object floating in a liquid is equal to the volume of the portion of the object that is submerged in the liquid. This is known as Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.