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Q: What does the volume of something like a cube mean?
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The volume of cube root is 188.67mm find the area of the cube?

If you mean surface area, the answer is 197.372 mm2

A side of 96 sq centimeters has how many in a cube?

IF you mean 'what is the volume of a cube with 96cm sides' - the answer is 884736 cm3

How do you find the volume of a cube of 8cm3?

The volume of a cube is side x side x side = 8 cm3 each side is 2 cm - cube root of 8 you already have the volume, did you mean find the side? Each side is 2 cm

What is the volume of a cube 80cm long if it is decreased by 10 percent?

This depends on what you mean by "it". The volume of the original cube is V = (80 cm)³ = 512,000 cm³. If the volume is decreased by 10%, then multiply the volume of the original cube by 0.9 to get 406,800 cm³. Otherwise, if the length of the cube is decreased by 10%, then: V = (80 cm * 0.9)³ ≈ 373248 cm³

What does centimetres cube mean?

it shows the measurements of a volume of an object, like this water bottle contains (number goes here)cm squared

What does cubic numbers mean?

it is when you cube something in maths

What does centimeter cubed mean?

It means the volume equivalent to a cube with a side length of one centimeter.

How do you find the lateral sides of a square prism if you already have the volume?

If you mean by a square prism that has equal sides then just cube root the volume

How many cubes are there if the perimeter of the square is 16 units?

Let me try to translate your question into something sensible.If you mean:"What is the volume of a cube on which any face has a perimeter of 16 units?"Then the answer is 64 cubic units.

What do you mean by the volume of an object?

How much "space" the object occupies. A cube 10.0 cm on each side has a volume of 1000 cm3 (one liter)

What does volume mean in measurement?

volume in measurement meANS HOW MUCH SOMETHING CONTAINS.

Does volume mean the it takes its shape?

No, volume is the amount of space something takes up.