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Equilateral Means When All Of The Side Are Equal !

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Q: What does the word equilateral triangle mean in math?
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Does an equilateral triangle have only 3 congruent sides?

Yes. All equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides. To know that it's an equilateral triangle the partial part of the word equilateral "equil" and "equal" mean the same thing except that "equil"is used in a word to tell that it's an equilateral triangle.

What does the word equilateral mean?

an equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal.Equilateral means that all the sides in a figure are congruent. Regular polygons are all equilateral.

Can the word equilateral describe a right triangle?


If The prefix equi- means equal and lateral means side how are these word parts related to the term equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle is on in which all three sides are equal in length . An equilateral triangle is thus an equal-sided triangle.

What does the word center mean in math?

The middle. Such as the center of a circle or triangle.

What kind of triangle has 3 congruent angles?

An equilateral triangle- a triangle with 3 equal sides, so the triangle would have 3 congruent angles as well.A trick to remember this: the word equal is sort of in the word equilateral.

What is a triangle with three acute triangles?

I think the word your looking for is equilateral triangle

Is every Isosceles Triangle an equilateral triangle?

NO but every Equilateral triangle is an Isosceles triangle. That is the difference . Isosceles triangles have only 2 sides the same length. Equilateral have ALL 3 sides the same length which means that they must have 2 sides the same length, so they are a very special case of an Isosceles triangle. That is why they have a special name - Equilateral meaning 'all sides equal'. The word lateral is a reference to the word length.

Are all of the sides of an equilateral triangle same length?

Yes. The word 'equilateral' means 'equal' and 'lateral means sides, so an equilateral triangle means all of the sides are 'equal' or 'similar.'

Does an equilateral have congruent sides?

By definition, an equilateral triangle has congruent sides. "Equi"has the same root as the word "equal," which is synonymous with "congruent," and "lateral" is based on the Latin word for "side." Thus, the word "equilateral" actually means "equal sides," which means they are "congruent."In fact, an equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles.

Does a quadrilateral triangle have exactly 2 congruent angles?

Quadrilaterals are not triangles, and there is no such thing as a quadrilateral triangle. Perhaps you mean equilateral, in which case, it has 3 equal angles and 3 equal sides; the word equilateral actually means equal sides. And quadrilateral means four sides. Triangle means 3 angles.

What is the root word of equilateral?

There are two root words to equilateral. equi - meaning equal lateral - meaning side. an equilateral triangle as all sides of equal length.