Yes. All equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides. To know that it's an equilateral triangle the partial part of the word equilateral "equil" and "equal" mean the same thing except that "equil"is used in a word to tell that it's an equilateral triangle.
Equilateral triangles have three sides of the same length.
Equilateral is just what it sounds like... equal. If you're talking about an equilateral triangle, then all 3 sides will be the same length.
Equilateral Means When All Of The Side Are Equal !
Yes. All equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides. To know that it's an equilateral triangle the partial part of the word equilateral "equil" and "equal" mean the same thing except that "equil"is used in a word to tell that it's an equilateral triangle.
Equilateral triangles have three sides of the same length.
equilateral means equal sides example equilateral triangle means triangle with all sides equal.
Irregular and asymmetrical.
An equilateral triangle is one in which all three sides are of the same length.
Equilateral is just what it sounds like... equal. If you're talking about an equilateral triangle, then all 3 sides will be the same length.
It means that the figure is equilateral. Equilateral does not mean regular. For example, a rhombus has equal sides but it is not a regular quadrilateral.
By definition, an equilateral triangle has congruent sides. "Equi"has the same root as the word "equal," which is synonymous with "congruent," and "lateral" is based on the Latin word for "side." Thus, the word "equilateral" actually means "equal sides," which means they are "congruent."In fact, an equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles.
"Equilateral" means having equal angles. So an equilateral triangle has all three angles the same size. "Equilateral" is the normal word for this, though you could say "equal-angled".