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Q: What does to be grater than mean?
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How do you use grater as a sentence?

Grandmas cheese grater was greater than grandpas grape grater.

60 ounces is grater than 3 pounds?

no. you cannot use 60 oz on cheez grater

7.2 grater than 7.52?

No, 7.52 is greater than 7.2

What are the greater than and less than signs?

greater than= > less than= <

Is 8370 grater than 3407?

Yes dah

What has a numerator grater than its denominator?

An improper fraction.

Is 200 cm grater than 3.70 m?


A prime number grater than 50?

It is: 53

Is 4 remainder 4 greater than or less than 4?


What prime number is grater than 30 and less than 35?


Is 2-3 less than or greater than 4-9?


Is 64ftin less than or greater then 5ft?

64ft is grater than 5ft