9797 is the largest prime number less than 100.
67 will be the largest prime number less than 70.
There are 49 even numbers less than 100, but only the number 2 is an even prime number less than 100.
The total number of prime numbers less than 100 is 25.
47 is the prime number greater than 43 and less than 52.
It is: 53
It is: 101
23 and 29
Any number that is grater than 1 and is not prime is a composite number.
It is a number 1 less than a prime number. There is nothing else that can be said about it that is invariably true.
9797 is the largest prime number less than 100.
the greatest prime number less than 200 is 199
67 will be the largest prime number less than 70.
Two is the smallest prime number less than 100.
The largest prime number less than 50 is 47.
47 is the greatest prime number less than 48.