The x isn't short for a specific word. It's more of an emphasis, more severe than rated r.
X Roman numeral 10
Coefficients don't 'stand' for anything. They are numbers which multiply variables. For instance, in the expression 3 x + 2, three is the coefficient of x.
a variable (4 x y)
private automatic branch exchange
X is ten so XXX IS THIRTY
there is a flavored vodka called xrated so i am thinking it was that and orange juice hence X and O
all in all x-rated frames are lighter but it really depends on the frame
450,000 world wide
Andrea True
x = 10
Pn x is the penicillin derivative containing halogen carbonyl group hence 'x' may stand for the halogen
Yes, x stand for multiplication sign like 6x7= 42 that is when x stands for a multiplication sign, x can also stand for a variable. A variable is a letter or number that represents a changing quantity.
In Roman numerals, x stands for 10. Other times, x is a variable that can stand for any number.
Whatever it want's to stand for
x is a symbol for "unknown".
X = 10.