

What does y equal in 8x 2y13?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What does y equal in 8x 2y13?
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If y = kx+1 is a tangent to the curve of y^2 = 8x Then it works out that k has a value of 2 and that x has equal roots of 1/2 -------------------------------------- y = kx + 1 and y² = 8x meet when they are equal, ie (substituting for y): (kx + 1)² = 8x → k²x² + 2kx + 1 = 8x → k²x² +(2k - 8)x + 1 = 0 If y = kx + 1 is tangent to y² = 8x, they meet at one point; this occurs when the above quadratic has a repeated root; which happens when the discriminant b² - 4ac = 0, namely: (2k - 8)² - 4 × k² × 1 = 0 → 4k² - 32k + 64 - 4k² = 0 → 32k = 64 → k = ½

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Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees so if y = 8x-20 degrees then the complement of y is 90 - (8x - 20) = 110 - 8x degrees.

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The slope of a line parallel to -8x + y = 2 is -8.

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