Epode is the third part of the ode following strophe and antistrophe.
A quadrillion.
As follows:
The number that follows 329 is 300.Answer:All numbers (n) such that n-329>0 follow 329. The integer that immediately follows 329 (329+1) is 330.
A cause always has an effect.
Strophe Antistrophe Catastrophe - 2012 was released on: USA: 4 January 2012
The cast of Strophe Antistrophe Catastrophe - 2012 includes: Ivy Gottet as Girlfriend
Both terms refer to ancient Greek drama. Strophe = the first of two movements made by a chorus during the performance of a choral ode. Antistrophe = the second of two movements made by a chorus during the performance of a choral ode.
I wonder if you mean 'antistrophe'. In ancient Greek Drama the chorus delivering an ode would move across the stage in one direction (the strophe) and then turn and move in the opposite direction (the antistrophe). But since in rhetoric an apostrophe means a diversion or digression, I suppose that the turning point when the chorus switches from strophe to antistrophe could be considered an apostrophe too.
A strophe is a stanza. During the stanza, singers dance from one side of the stage to the other. The stanza that's sung while dancing in the opposite direction is called the antistrophe.
In Greek choruses and dances, the movement of the chorus while turning from the right to the left of the orchestra; hence, the strain, or part of the choral ode, sung during this movement. Also sometimes used of a stanza of modern verse. See the Note under Antistrophe.
In Greek choruses and dances, the movement of the chorus while turning from the right to the left of the orchestra; hence, the strain, or part of the choral ode, sung during this movement. Also sometimes used of a stanza of modern verse. See the Note under Antistrophe.
In antistrophe 3 of the parados, the chorus concludes with a plea for Bacchus' help. Bacchus is a god who's liked while the war god Ares isn't. A military solution is feared and rejected, in the immediately preceding strophe 3. So the chorus asks Bacchus, 'blithe god whom we adore', to get any soldiers drunk. The drunkenness will remove the influence of Ares, the 'god whom gods abhor', from Thebes.
Classical odes are usually sung by one person, and sometimes accompanied by musical instruments. They have the structure of a three part stanza: 1. the strophe 2. the antistrophe 3. the epode Modern odes are less formal. They are not usually sung, but rather declared, and there are not really rules as to how to write them.
Classical odes are usually sung by one person, and sometimes accompanied by Musical Instruments. They have the structure of a three part stanza: 1. the strophe 2. the antistrophe 3. the epode Modern odes are less formal. They are not usually sung, but rather declared, and there are not really rules as to how to write them.
The emotion expressed in the first strophe is one of longing and yearning for a lost love.