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aquifer well

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Q: What forms when the water table intersects the surface?
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What has to have more density for an object to float on water the object or water?

Normally the water - to float and object has to displace a volume of water equal to its mass. If its density is greater than that of water, the maximum mass of water it can displace is its own volume which, as the water is less dense that it, will have less mass than the object and it will sink. However, for small light objects the surface tension of water comes into play - it is possible to float a steel sewing needle (with a density greater than water) on water by gently dropping a clean needle on its side onto the water surface so that it does not break the surface tension. With a needle floating, adding a few drops of washing up liquid to the surface reduces the surface tension and the needle will then sink.

What is the pressure 100 m below the surface of the sea water of denisty 1150kg m 3?

The pressure at 100 meters below the surface of sea water with a density of 1150kg is 145.96 psi.

The entire area of earth's surface is 510 million square kilometers. What is a good estimate of the area of earth's surface that is covered by water?

About 71%

How could it be possible that an object with a density greater than that of water could float in water?

There are two ways to make an object with a density greater than water float on it: 1) reduce its density, for example by hollowing it out or adding further structures with a density [much] less than that of water so that it can displace a volume of water equal to its own weight and still have some of its structure above the surface of the water; or 2) Use the surface tension of water so that the object floats - dropping a steel sewing needle on its side very gently onto water will prevent it breaking the surface tension of the water and it will float, until such time as the surface tension is broken, eg by adding a few drops of washing up liquid or agitating the surface, when the needle will sink. (The needle needs to be clean.)

What are 3 things you would measure with a meters?

The table's length. The height of your legs. The deepness of the water in a bathtub.

Related questions

What forms where the water table intersects with the ground surface?

well's occurs when the water underground meets the surface

What feature originates where the water table intersects the land surface?

A spring is formed where the water table intersects the land surface. This is where groundwater stored in an aquifer is forced to the surface due to natural pressure, creating a flow of water that emerges from the ground.

Spring form where?

Springs form where the water table intersects the ground surface

What are you likely to find where the water table intersects the land surface?

You'll find a lake or a moor depending on the runoff properties.

When a perched water table intersects the surface on a hillside the result is?

A spring is formed. Water seeping from the perched water table reaches the surface due to the steep slope, creating a visible flow of water.

Where does the water table intersect the surface?

The water table intersects the surface at the point where the ground is saturated with water. This can vary depending on factors such as topography, soil composition, and precipitation levels. Typically, you can find the water table closer to the surface in areas with high rainfall and near bodies of water.

In what way does groundwater become surface water?

Groundwater can become surface water through springs, where the water table intersects the ground surface, or through seepage into streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This process is influenced by factors such as topography, geology, and the level of the water table.

How does the water forms?

Water table is formed by the rain water.i.e.,when rain falls ,the rain water drains into the earth surface and this water forms the water table.

Hillside springs occur on a hillside where the water table meets what?

Hillside springs occur where the water table intersects with the ground surface, causing water to flow out naturally. This intersection allows groundwater to emerge as a spring due to the pressure exerted by the higher water table on the hillside.

Where does a natural spring occur?

A natural spring occurs where groundwater emerges at the Earth's surface, usually in areas where the water table intersects the land surface. This can happen when underground aquifers are pressurized or when natural fractures in the rock allow water to flow to the surface.

When the water table is found at the surface it forms what?

its actually for the hydrosphere

Area where the water table meets earths surface and flows out?
