1 centimetre (0.01m)
700 cm is not a fraction of 1 meter rather 700 cm is a multiple of 1 meter (7 times a meter)
To express 1 centimeter to 1 kilometer as a fraction, you first need to convert both units to the same base unit. Since there are 100 centimeters in a meter and 1000 meters in a kilometer, you can convert 1 centimeter to 0.00001 kilometers. Therefore, the fraction would be 1/100,000.
The one hundredth part of 1 metre is known as 1 centimetre.
1 millimetre / 1 centimetre = 1 mm/10 mm = 1/10One tenth
1 centimetre is one hundredth of a metre.
Assuming by CM you mean centimetre, 1cm = 1/100 of a metre
1 centimetre (0.01m)
1 cm is 1/100 of a meter
1 centimetre.
One millimetre is one tenth of a centimetre. There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre.
Centimeter100th part of a meter is 1 feet.* * * * *That is so wrong!The answer is 1 centimetre.
A centimetre. A centimetre. A centimetre. A centimetre.
No, 1 centimetre is 1/100 of a metre
1 centimetre
millimetre centimetre, metre, kilometre . 10 millimetres equals 1 centimetre . 100 centimetres equals 1 metre . 1000 metres equals 1 kilometre .