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3 out of 7 or 3/7.

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Q: What fraction of the letters in Alabama are not a's?
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What fraction of the letters in fraction are vowels?


What fraction of the letters of English are vowels?

The fraction is 5/26.

What four states are only four letters?

Ohio, Iowa and Utah have 4 letters. Alabama and Alaska have 4 DIFFERENT letters.

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What fraction of the letters below is A ABCDEF?

one sixth

What fraction of the letters in Mississippi are not I I 's?


What fraction of the states names have 7 or fewer letters in there name?

20 out of 50 states have seven or fewer letters in their names. They are Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas, Iowa, Alabama, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, New York, Vermont, and Maine.

What fraction of the letters in the words multiply are vowels?


How many states have 7 letters in it?

5 Arizona, Alabama, Flordia, Georgia, and Montana

How many ways can the word Alabama be arranged?

The letters in the word can be arranged in 7!/4! = 210 ways if A and a are treated the same. If A and a are considered different (so that, for example, Alabama is not alabAma), then there are 7!/3! = 840 ways.

How many ways are there to arrange the letters in ALABAMA and put four A together?

If the four letters "A" are to be together, "AAAA", then it's like having four differentletters; AAAA, L, B, M.The number of different arrangements (permutations) of the 7 letters in the word"ALABAMA" putting the four As together are;4! =4x3x2x1 =24